
Life Skills Awareness will remain open and offer online and over-the-phone therapy during COVID-19 isolation.

Interpersonal Therapy

Working Together to Improve Problem Areas

Empowering Patients to Change and Improve

The therapists at Life Skills Awareness want to help patients move forward from the struggles they are dealing with. Interpersonal therapy is a short-term process that includes between 12 and 16 weeks of sessions. To start, your therapist will look at the underlying issue and symptoms, examine current relationships, and internal conflicts. Together, we will identify the areas you want to focus on and offer the support and guidance you need to see and feel an improvement.

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Interpersonal Therapy Can Be Used For:


Coping with any number of the various eating disorders that afflict and impact so many people’s day-to-day lives isn’t an easy thing to tackle on your own. Oftentimes, the inability to express similar deeply-personal struggles to those around you can serve to make those issues even worse. Interpersonal therapy services can help you to get in touch with your body and mind in order to find and address the root cause of your disorder.


Depression is something that most people will struggle with at some point over the course of their lifetime. The daily toll of such a pervasive struggle in the world of mental health can be incredibly taxing in both a mental and physical way. Getting ahead of these feelings is beneficial and can make every day a bit easier. Learning how to manage the symptoms and address the underlying causes with a mental health professional in a controlled environment can help you work through the darkness.


Unfortunately, many people struggle with the realities of alcohol and drug addiction, especially during periods of time where they are isolated from society. Learning how to control relationships with certain substances or rid them from your life entirely can make a huge difference in your long-term physical and mental wellbeing.


Bipolar disorder is inherently unpredictable and can cause significant strains on your interpersonal relationships. Finding a way to manage your behavior at times when it might be difficult to do so is a key mental health goal when consistently participating in interpersonal therapy with a trained therapy professional. With a professional mental health expert at your side, you can learn to live with this disorder and channel internal struggles you may be coping with into external positivity for yourself and those around you.


Alternative to regular signs of depression, dysthymia is categorized by persistent and unrelenting feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness, and apathy that don’t ebb, flow, or fade over long periods of time. Interpersonal therapy helps to make sure that you have a helping hand with a mental health professional who can help you to find hope in the world, see your personal value as a person, and bring more positive feelings into your everyday life.


Interpersonal therapy doesn’t necessarily mean that you are addressing only your own thoughts and feelings. Often, it is a necessity for your mental health to ensure that your relationships with those around you have a level of consistency so that you can find balance in all areas of your life. Through guided discussion sessions, you can learn how to empower yourself with the skills that will help you maintain healthy and consistent relationship patterns with your friends and loved ones.

With interpersonal therapy, various techniques and strategies can be used to empower patients to change. Whether you’re struggling with harmful thoughts about yourself, difficult relationships, or family experiences, we can create a path toward healing.

Throughout our lives, everyone develops ways in which we relate to others being closed off and self-sufficient, avoiding people, disagreeing, or exerting control. These actions can lead to relationship issues, stress, and anxiety. Through techniques like role-playing, you can begin to understand your own habits and with your therapist, you can look for ways to change.

We understand it can be challenging to self analyze habits and communications methods that have been ingrained in your lifestyle possibly for a long time, but Life Skills Awareness is here to provide empathy and insight into your situation. We will work to gain acceptance rather than resistance and we will be here to fully support healthy choices that will push you to better yourself and your relationships. By creating a comfortable and judgment-free environment, our hope is that we can work together to find a source of motivation for change in the future.

If you are struggling with depression, mood disorders, and challenges with relationships, Life Skills Awareness is here to help. Our team of experienced and compassionate therapists is on your side to help you heal and live a higher quality of life in the future.